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Stream count rda issue.

작성자 사진: MasterMaster

작업 환경 : dr4100 nvbu 9.2

백업 용량 이슈가 아닌데 갑자기 백업 대기 현상이 발생될때

To increase the number of streams (maximum value = 32).

  1. Leave the existing containers as it is for now

  2. Verify that there are no jobs running, then stop the NetVault backup service

  3. Edit the %netvault%\config\foreignras.cfg

  4. Change the number of Streams from a value of “8” to “32” foreignras.cfg file [Performance:SoftStreamLimit] Value = 32

  5. Start the NetVault Backup service

  6. Create new RDA Container (s), they will now have 32 Streams since the configuration files was changed.

  7. The jobs that were targeting the old RDA containers have to be modified to start writing to the new RDA Container that just created.

  8. Once the data on the old containers have expired, delete the old RDA containers

또는 RDA Container 를 여러개로 만들어 주는 것도 좋습니다.

의견 : y.b

조회수 3회댓글 0개

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NetBackup Oracle Restore

Controlfile 복구 하기 Netbackup Job Overview 에서 File List 확인 ex) /c-12348342342345-03 오라클 계정에서 아래 스트립트 명령어 수행 #rman cmdfile=nbu_ctrl.sh RUN{...


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